Thursday, July 21, 2011

Hitler ruined it for everyone

Adolf Hitler's decision to grow a small mustache pretty much took that style of facial hair off the table for everyone. Well everyone that isn't a Neo-Nazi or something.

A while back after not shaving for a few weeks I shaved everything except a a small portion directly under my nose and it resembled a "Hitler Mustache" not being able to grow decent facial hair I used my wife's mascara and filled it in. I then proceeded to go to the store to pick up a few items to put on the grill and some beer to wash it down. You would not believe all the strange looks I got, all because I was sporting a "Hitler Stache" That guy ruined it for everyone. I shaved it off a few hours later but not before a I took a few pics first.

What if Hitler decided on a Goatee or Sideburns instead? Would we see more people with Hitler style Mustaches today? Would every 90's grunge band be clean shaven?

We may never know but, one thing is for sure growing a Hitler Mustache not very cool unless you are deprived of attention.

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